Roger J. Coenen, TU Delft Design of a Lightweight and Durable Kite for Pumping Kite Power Generation |
Pietro Faggiani, TU Delft Pumping Kites Wind Farm |
Rod Read, Windswept & Interesting Open Hardware Opportunities |
Luis Tiago Paiva, University of Porto Mesh-Refinement Strategies for Optimal Control of Kite Power Systems |
Diana Palacios, TU Delft A Socio-Technical Approach and Future Proposal for AWE in the U.S. |
Navaneetha Krishnan Rajan, TU Delft FSI of Inflatable Kite Wings |
Garrett Smith, Cosmica Spacelines S.A.S. Wind Fisher: Autonomous Kite Towed Submarine for Airborne Wind Energy Capture and Storage |
Max Polzin, ETH Zurich Visual Motion Tracking for Estimation of Kite Dynamics |
Roland Verheul, Rolokite Structural optimization of a kite for ship propulsion |
Rachel Leuthold, TU Delft Multiple Wake Vortex Lattice Method for Airborne Wind Energy Membrane-Wing Kites |
Christof Beaupoil, someawe.org Building an Online Community for Airborne Wind Energy and for you - someawe.org |
Michael E. Deaves, TU Delft Reynolds-Average Navier-Stokes Analysis of Leading Edge Inflatable Kites |
Pierre Benhaiem, FlygenKite Rotating Reeling |
Hannes Renzsch, Fluid Engineering Solutions GmbH & Co. KG Challenges in Modelling of Membrane Structures |
Bryan Franca, TU Delft A Tool for Aerodynamic Analysis of Flexible Kites |
Rijk de Rooij, TU Delft Structural Modeling of Thin Membranes for Wind Energy Systems |
Jurian Rademaker, QConcepts SkyWindTurbine |